
Sittin on the Dock of the Bay...

This weekend has been a complete waste. Yesterday was ok I guess. Angelbaby and I lounged by the pool all morning. I pointed out some large mushrooms that were growing in the grass and said "I bet a lot of faeries could live under there" without skipping a beat she replied "I didn't even know any faeries lived around here." Ah, the mind of a 5 yr old. Later Tori came over with her bouncing baby boy and the kids fought while we watched Cribs. Puns are optional. Today was well, just a day. So I guess I'll end with a list. 5 things you should never leave home without:
  1. lip protection i.e. chapstick, lip gloss, etc.
  2. gel pen-identity theft prevention
  3. hanky- because you never know
  4. mirror-so your not the last to know
  5. I.D.- so they know what to write on the toe tag

Note: No, cell phone should not have been on the list. I admit that I do have one but I still believe they are overrated!


Irish Geisha said...

Only guys never know when panky is comming their way.

Irish Geisha said...

I don't see how that is my problem. But if it makes you feel better to vent then by all means be my guest.