
No tree- just life

I had fully intended a follow-up post to the tree of life, to examine the possibility that one book could change a persons life or a relationship at the least. I have had a change of heart. I decided to move out instead, leaving the book behind. You may ask how someone could just read half a book and stop. Never knowing the end. The answer is simple. Just leave it right where you found it. Song of the Day: Dry Your Eyes by The Streets

1 comment:

prettyhelmet said...

well, well, well if it isn't the infamous victrola. good to see you here. mrs. hutton mentioned you were blogging now.

BTW-you will get the invitation in the mail, but just thought i would tell you in person, my bridal tea is september 25th from 2-4 p.m. write me if you need directions to be directed to the right direction.