
Ms. Cellophane

Generally speaking, I don't give a rat's fuzzy ass about politics. BUT, recently I came across this website courtesy of Super Action Kevin. (see Nov. 9) I did not find it humorous in the least. Every election since I turned 18, rain or shine, I have carted my happy ass down to the polls and voted a straight democratic ticket. Does it feel like my vote doesn't matter? Yes! Do I vote anyway? Yes! Because I can. Now some bitter bloody yank, who has probably never even been to the south, is going to talk shit because W won !?! Way to fucking rally. If he's so smart, why doesn't he carpetbag his ass down here and tell it on the mountain? Because frankly, regurgitating inferred statistics in between offensive explicatives isn't doing anything to forward the cause. Furthermore it just plain pissed me off! Game Over- we lost. Resistance is futile. Better luck next time. And all that jazz. I guess mostly it just angers me to hear people dawg the south for any reason. As much as I have thought about it and as mad as I am, I did not bother to email the schmuck who published the site. I'm sure my effort would have been fruitless. After all, I am a southern democrat. Suffice to say- a lesson in futility is not something I've gone without.


Kevin Church said...

See, as a southern-democrat-living-in-the-hinterlands, I laughed and I laughed.

This is because I'm a bad human being, of course. And I drink UNSWEET ICED TEA.

Irish Geisha said...

Well, I did smerk when I read "Fuck'em." But only because my good friend MK from "da burg" (Pittsburg) always says fuck'em when she's trying to make me feel better about someone that has pissed me off.

Irish Geisha said...

I'm just going to overlook the UNSWEETENED BLASPHEMY you speak of.