
Flame, Flame, Flame

Holy crap I need a job! Not that I don't like my job. I would even go so far as to say I love my job. But I make about 1/3 of my last salary as a sales associate (call center hell.) And about 1/2 the salary of someone who is floating just at poverty level. Thanks W! I currently frame art. And while I have had my grubby paws on works worth thousands, most of it is the mundane tripe you see on the wall at the doctors office. I still like the whole being surrounded by art thing. And I like that everyone I work with is an artist. "Nay" you say. You should be doing 3D computer animation, since you still owe 20,000+ in student loans. Gee, why didn't I think of that? Like my diploma from jiffy tech is worth the paper it's printed on. So anyway it's not like I'm not searching. Just last week I got 2 rejection emails for jobs I applied for back in September. Hope they're not as lax in their payroll schedule. The Weekend. Did nothing! Thank God for nothing! I love it. OK, I did get new shoes. But that's it. And I went to the open house at Pepper Place Friday night to see what pomp and grander rich people buy to decorate their houses. ( Don't believe the hype, it was all crap.) But that's really it. I hope to have a picture of myself posted soon. For those of you who don't know me, keep your disenchantment to yourself. First I have to figure out how to get the damn pictures off my camera. I think I need to reload a driver or two. A big pain in the ass mainly because my machine is not currently connected to the net. Blah, blah, blah, don't have the original software because I bought the camera at a pawn shop. Just know that soon you will get to see me in the contacts I wore on Halloween to make my brown eyes white.

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